Friday, September 4, 2009

My Wedding Journey (Dedicated to the love of my life)

This is for MrBoy my boyfriend/bestfriend/lover/future fiance..

How do i start and how do I even explain how happy and blessed I feel,right at this very moment..I'm getting engaged to Boyfriend of 7 years.and to add to it the engagement is going to be on my 26th birthday which is on the 26th of september..2 years back in 2007 ,i casually told Boy that i dream of getting married on my 26th birthday in 2009..

fast forward to 2009 ,i guess the dream is not going to happen but instead i will be getting engaged to baby.

Boy has been talking about marriage alot lately and this year even my parents have been initiating to me about marriage...
then in august before ramadhan he said he talked to his mom and they agreed upon my birthday to come meminang..i was sooo happy...i swore i couldnt sleep tht nite coz i had butterflies!!
..we started panicking because its a month away.Before this, mama has been saying she wants a small and simple event for my engagement.small meaning only her elder borther and sister are invited and same goes to papa's side plus atok and wan of course.she even said 'tak payah hantaran hantaran'...

I got back to boy about the no hantaran because mama said just merisik n tunang terus...we went back and forth between our families about the plans..(it was stressing boy out because he is sooo not the type to discuss about flowers,makeup and stuff).then finally boy said his mother insists on giving hantaran because i'm the only daughter and the eldest and boy is the baby of the family..they want it to be big n special..

Got boy's sister to call mama and they click instantly..they agreed upon sending 5 trays of hantaran which means i have to balas 7 trays.

hantaran boy to me;
1) engagement ring( going to buy tomorrow insyallah at faiq jewels)
2)kain nikah (Going to buy tomorrow at jakels)
3)sirih junjung

hantaran for boy:
1)kain nikah (going to buy tomorrow at jakels)
2)perfume (bought aigner at pyramid!)
3)cake (sponsored by aunty)
4)sirih junjung
5)chocolates (sponsored by aunty)
6)pot pourri (sponsored by aunty)
7)kek lapis (sponsored by aunty)


3 saturdays ago went to faiq jewels in bsc with of course best buddies dzue and asma just to have a look.
were sooo shiny and pretty not to mention expensive..i repeatedly told asma that we have to look at rings within the given budget that boyfriend has la my boyfriend.
ok then asma said something like takpe kita tgk je..i saw one veryy veryy pretty ring.3 square cut diamonds...hmmm...rm18k ok..hehheheh..soooo out of the budget.then they finally brought out rings with unmounted claws.which means i could choose any size of diamond to be mounted on my ring selected..
yes,we found the perfect combination for me...cantik sgtt and the price was still ok..
but the sad part was i couldnt buy it tht day.told the person attanding to us named diana also to reserve the ring for me..had to bring baby to buy it la kan..

tomorrow i'm going to go to faiq jewels with baby ,mama,mak dik,n mak yak..reason of bringing mak dik.mama and mak yak is to get discounts..mak dik knows them
after getting the ring insyallah we r going to jakel to go and get our kain nikah insyallah..really dont want to spend that much on kain nikah but who knows tomorrow if i find something really nice and pricey which i insist of getting..haih risau btol..


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