Tuesday, October 13, 2009

save the dates!

i love her wedding dress design..

Merak Kayangan Felda

white pelamin

purple pelamin

light blue pelamin
(random source of pics )

Insyallah the plan that has been confirmed by both sides during the bertunang discussions is that our nikah,my reception and bertandang would be:

nikah:16 july 2010 (friday)
my reception:17 july 2010 (saturday)
boy's reception:24th july (saturday)

I was going through some blogs,and i stumbled upon one particular blog that says in the islamic calendar,the syaaban month is one of the good months to get married.and for 2010 the syaaban month starts on the 13th of july(tuesday)..Alhamdulillah..

Initially the plan for my nikah was supposed to be at night at my house.but after the bertunang event,we got very tired..that is even when my bertunang was held in the morning.so my parents has decided it would not be wise to have the nikah at night considering the next day is my reception..and we have to be at merak kayangan in the morning for the rehersals..at first i was a bit upset,but when i think about it,i was contempt with a morning nikah event.

the theme colour for my nikah would be peach..but of course i would be wearing white.For my nikah,i want both my good friends Asma and Dzue to be my pengapit..i want them to sit on the right and left of me during the akad nikah..i plan to make them wear the same material but with different individual designs.
I plan to tell boy that if its possible i want his sides to wear turqoise on the nikah day..it would be nice if all his nephews that were to carry the hantarans into my house to wear the exact same color and material.so it would look damn good in the pictures.

for my reception,the chosen colour is FUSCHIA pink.I would probably wear white again or silver.i havent decided yet because i have to wait for the designer's approval.but my dream is to have merak kayangan filled with fuschia pink on the 17th of july next year..i want a fuschia pink hand bouquet.i want white and fuschia pink flowers on my pelamin..i want fuschia pink ribbons for the chairs.

These are all just my dream and goals for my wedding..If it really happens the way i want it then Alhamdulillah and if not, insyallah i wouldnt make a big deal out of it.


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