Friday, July 27, 2012


Salam everyone,

Today is the 7th day of Ramadhan. This year i've developed an interest in making malay kuih's. Last month i made sago gula melaka which my husband loves. Last monday  mom n i made ondeh ondeh . I've been googling for a number of recipe's like the kuih lopes, cream caramel, kuih batik, bubur kacang hijau n a few more. Cant wait to try either the caramel, kuih lopes or the kuih batik this weekend. B also loves kuih lopes. So hopefully i get it right the first try when he's back.

For today's berbuka, i've requested my mom to make her delicious nyonya-curry laksa (it actually has no curry powder/leaves in it at all, it just looks like curry.

Picture above taken from Google.
Its something like this, but instead of the sliced omelette, we eat it with boiled eggs

The ingredients for this fab laksa are: mee/bihun,  tauhu- the spongey type?, fish/chic balls, kerang, chicken ,boiled egg, bean sprouts, mint leaves, bawang goreng,limau nipis or kasturi? - not sure, and an absolute must for this dish is the special sambal.
Of course i wouldnt know what's needed to make the gravy besides santan. 

Ya Allah, gets me drooling just thinking of it. Moga diberi rezeki and kesempatan to have it for berbuka today. Amin.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Selamat Berpuasa

Selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan..
Banyak kan beribadat n membuat perkara baik and bermanfaat.
Lets use this time to gain as much pahala as we can and continue to do so even after ramadan.


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