Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Our Itinerary

Syukur last Saturday we managed to attend our lunch gathering and rush back to Melaka for our taklimat though we were there almost an hour late.

We received our free bags and ihram/telekung from the travel agent. Was briefed on the itinerary . Finally after much anticipation. We are leaving on the 15th of May with Saudi Airlines. Our return date is on the 27th but will be arriving on the 28th.

The challenging part is: We're flying to Jeddah and straight into Mekah. Usually, they will fly into Jeddah and will be taken to Madinah for 3-4 days (not in the state of ihram) before going into Mekah. That means: we must be in our ihram clothing from home. We will have to mandi sunat ihram, and solat sunat ihram at home before leaving for the airport. but we are still not bounded by the 13 larangan dalam ihram yet, until we fly and are about 1 and a half hours to landing in Jeddah. The pilot will then make an announcement that we are nearing the miqat/sempadan hence then we would berniat umrah and have to obey all the pantang larang until :

1- we land, go through customs, take our bags, get out of airport and into our bus.
2-bus journey fr jeddah into mekkah which takes roughly 1-1&1/2 hours depending on traffic.will stop by at a rest area for packed dinner and solat jamak taakhir for maghrib and isyak.According to travel agents we cant expect the rest areas to be like ours. we have to bersabar.
3-continue journey into mekah. check into hotel. rest for an hour and straight away perform our umrah: tawaf, saei and tahalul..After tahalul then only we are freed from all the harams in umrah.

All the while making sure that we tak langgar larangan dalam ihram.Tak boleh langgar ihram intentionally or unintentionally (not sure) or else would have to bayar dam.

 In a way its good because we are going to perform our umrah straight away.while the energy is still high and get the wajib's done then only we leave after 9 nights in Mekah for Madinah.so we can relax already by the time we get to madinah and just focus on our solat and ziarah. we will be flying back from there.
 Our target is to get our first umrah done before subuh which is around 4+am. we would probably be settled in the hotel past midnight since our flight lands at 7pm.taking into consideration time needed to get out of the airport with a big group of 65.

According to the travel agent who just got back from Mekah, even though its not the holiday season in Mekah, but the amount of Jemaah in Mekah right now is huge. The weather in May is a scorching 42-45 degrees during the day.
So much for me to learn. Doa sunat for every round of Tawaf is different. The niats.. Got to buy telekung, jubah and all the necessities. Of course i cant help but feel abit worried, but Allah is Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.

As my dad said, you're not going for a vacation. so dont complain if u dont find things the way u like it.just accept, bersabar and redha..Reminding me that the reason i'm going is to go and execute my duties as a muslim and of course for Allah.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Another test

Taklimat umrah's time has been postponed to 3 pm on Saturday
How laaaa.

How can i manage to attend both in that short overlapping amount of time.
Time to travel from kl to melaka taken into consideration would mean that i'd have to leave lunch latest by 2pm and that would make me arrive late, say 3.30pm.
By 2pm most prob baru my relatives semua arrive for lunch.

When i was feeling good about making an effort to attend both events, hubby told me the taklimat has been postponed to 3pm.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


So remember i blogged about having our Mothers & Father's day lunch this saturday.
Well, yesterday hubs informed me that there would be a taklimat umrah on saturday morning, 8.30am in Melaka.

Attendance is compulsory.Well, hubs do understand that we've been planning for the lunch way before he got to know about the taklimat. So like it or not, hubs would have to attend, and he said he'll let the organisers know that i wouldnt be able to make it.

But, berattt hati and susah hati when i think of having a good time at lunch where else i'm supposed to prepare myself for Umrah. I actually have alot to ask about it. So many questions and its not like i'm going for a vacation.This is an ibadah.Why not throw in the effort, attend both and feel great about it at the end of the day.Even though i just went back to Melaka last week, and hubs had promise that he'll make time for the lunch. Like i always believe; kita mampu merancang, tapi Allah yang tentukannya.

So my solution is to drive back to Melaka and get there before 8.30am, and hopefully by 12 the latest, the taklimat would be over. Then i'll/we'll rush back to KL and straight to the hotel.If we dont finish in time, then its not our rezeki to spend time with my family and relatives.

I believe Allah is testing me.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pre Mothers & Fathers Day Lunch

We're having an early Mother's & Fathers day gathering this saturday, since my aunt from Capetown will be back for a week.Just like we gathered last year, but this time we want to include our fathers too since we didnt gather for father's day last year.

We are going to Makan Kitchen at DoubleTree by Hilton for lunch.According to my cousin its different than the other hotels as it has separate stations for malay, indian, chinese, iban and peranakan cuisine.

Cant wait to indulge in the food and have a splendid afternoon with my family,aunts,uncles, and cousins; all 30 of us.
Seems that we've been having alot of cousinly love makan makan sessions lately.Fun!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Feeling neglected

Its so hard not to merajuk and turn mad when i'm always left to understand that hubby's bz.Resorting to the silent treatment is what i find i do best lately.
Even when he tries to rationalise and make me see the bigger picture and the outcome.
I still think he could do better in juggling between time for work/politics and quality time with his missus.

Especially when you dont live together and you soo look forward to every weekend to spending time and expect him to pamper and give his utmost attention to no one but you.
Yes you would think that during the weekends he would, but its not the case lately .
Even if he's in KL during the weekdays (of course for work/politic related, rarely because he misses me) he's out late and would only rest his head beside me in the wee hours.It hurts.

He tries to make it up, and when you think you're about to give in and undo the silent treatment, another urgent work matter would come up.
I feel that i come second to everything.

I'm really trying to understand, really trying to be a good wife.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Insyallah kalau ada rezeki


If my time has come and it is really my rezeki.
Hubby and I will be going to perform our Umrah this May.
It will be hubby's 3rd time and it'll be my first.
As we all know, 'kita mampu merancang, tapi Allah yang menentukannya'.
We have been planning to go after our Europe trip last december. But hubby has been so busy that we couldnt decide on the time to go.
But a few days ago hubby told me that we can put our names in to go with his umno group that's organising for an Umrah trip next month.
Happyy..and nervous.

And again, if its really my rezeki, and Allah has called me to his place,
then Insyallaah i will get to perform my first Umrah.

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